Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanksgiving This year we are going to My sisters house and enjoying yummy TURKEY mmmm. Them Mashed potatoes and Gravy mmmmm. and well you get it. I cant wait only a few more weeks till Turkey Day. YEah. Then LOTS AND LOTS OF SHOPPING!. for Christmas.

This year We have Garth and Stef. hehe haha are you scared yet. No I know exactly what we are getting you speaking of Garth and Stef way away from conversation when you were here you said something about my Cricut machine and Vynal sorry cant spell that word. what did you want me to do. I dont think you told me and ive been thinking about it so let me know and may be i can do it for you. Just have to know what it is first. Well its been fun ttyl bye love ya lots

Brians Birthday

Well Brian made it past his birthday, poor guy. Sunday night he took a trip to the emergency room for a high fever. He had been throwing up and yeah well lets just say both ends were working overtime. Shannon took Brian to the ER and he had to get an IV which the anxiety got the better of him and he threw up again.. The nurse man I dont know if he knew what he was going or not he talked himself through the whole process of the IV and when he was done he left the ruber tie on Brians are and Brian said is this supposed to stay on or come off cause my arm feels funny.lol Brian was released at 12:00 am he was doing fine. Didnt get to go to school on his birthday Stayed home all day. We got him the Transformers 2 on Blueray and he watched that with Samuel. He is doing great now I think it was just the 24 hour FLU cause he hasnt had anything come out lol. Overall he had a good birthday well made the best out of it anyway.