Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nelson Family Cookie Cottages..

So this year Mom and Dad Nelson gave, Brent and I, Garth and Stefani, Marianne and Dallen, Becky and Jesse a bag of Waffle cookies, a Santa Candle and a little singing girl candle, a bag of powdered sugar and told us what to do with. They said it was an Early Christmas gift. its for the traditional cookie cottages. Grandma Mary May started it when she was alive. Every Nelson in this family has built one of these cottages at one point in time. Its been passed down from family to family. This year the tradition lives on. Everyone has built their Cottages except Marianne, Dallen, and Mcrae built a Train. We had so much fun making these and we all posted them on Facebook. The Kari Jean and Lori Nelson, Brent's cousins saw all of our pictures and then they did one. So I think the Cottages have made their way back to the Nelson family. I think it going to stick around for years to come. Thanks Mom and Dad We had lots of fun doing this fun family night evening project you thought of this Christmas... Here are some Photos for you to all look at Enjoy....
In order
1. Joe and Kaylynn, Maleah, and Whitley Little.
2. Dallen and Marianne and Mcrae Gardner,
3.Mom and Dad Nelson,
4. Brent and Sarah, Brian, Makayla, Samuel and My Mother Tena Jonas,
5. Garth, Stefan and Hunter Nelson,
6. Kari Jean and Tyrell, and Russel, Lori, Zach and Kelly Nelson
7. Ashley and Ali Damavandi and Family


  1. Those are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love that you posted them all together. Mom gave us the cookies too. I know we will do one every year now.
